Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wandering Roots

I hold the places that I've been dear to my heart. I anticipate those paths that are yet untraveled. The feet that connect my past to the present, and on to my future, I treasure like precious gifts. And this time, I'm giving it my all- heart, body, and soul.

All I've been able to think about for the past week is not the fact that summer is finally upon us (and school's out!), nor that this may be my last summer/year in New York, but that my feet can finally hit the pavement again. I may not be able to run LSD* yet, or run like the wind, but you know what? I'm running, and this time, that's all that matters.

The anticipation and excitement, over-worn patience and nerves of all three previously-mentioned events have culminated in the need to put pen to paper, as it were. Or at least, fingers to keys. It's not only my feet that have been wandering lately- it's my thoughts too, that have been all over the place (although this is not an abnormal phenomenon for me).

So, the desire to tell the story of how I got here, to this place- waiting very impatiently for a confirmation or denial of a potential job overseas, combined with the excitement of summer beginning, in addition to the anticipation of my next run- has led me to this: a chronicle of where I have come from, over-analysis of the present, and musings on the future. This is my blog, which will be as wandering as my roots, my thoughts now, and the question of where my future will take me. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

**English teacher for five years being a part of my identity, the lure of alliteration in the title of my blog was almost too much. But I did it, because I like a certain symmetry and balance, where all the pieces fit because they so rarely do in life. So there you go- you're already seeing sides of me that are not the focus of my ramblings. My hope is that through the runs, the reads, and the roaming, I can share those little pieces of personality with You that make up Me.

*Distance runner's term for Long, Slow Distance. Characterizes a run in which speed, time, pace does not matter. What matters is building the base and foundation upon which future intervals, workouts, and races will rest.

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